Poem: This Is How You Fix Yourself
“If you love someone, let them
Countless jokes have
been made about this.
How sleep is the one
stop cure for all our problems.
Because, come on, if
you sleep it off then you’re bound to feel better in the morning.
Human beings should
after all work exactly like machines.
When something doesn’t
work, don’t we suggest that we switch it off and turn it back on again?
Why should human
beings be any different?
When the world doesn’t
go your way, just sleep off.
It doesn’t matter
that there’s someone who might be breaking.
Because hey, as long
as you get your beauty sleep, all will be right with the world!
Who cares that there
are questions and troubles gnawing at them,
Eating them up from
inside! But you would shrug your shoulders and ask them to sleep.
That is the solution
to everything after all: sleep.
The one thing that is
supposed to fix everything –
Your mood swings,
your broken heart and even
The fact you are
sometimes awake at night.
Just sleep.
Everything else can
wait a little longer.
You’ll feel so much
better in the morning!
What if I cannot
What if the very reason I’m
awake at night,
Hammering away at my
laptop, is fast asleep?
Am I supposed to
completely switch off the part of me that worries endlessly –
Because hey, sleep
can cure everything!
Sometimes it cannot.
Sometimes all you can
do is, let the other person sleep.
When they finally
wake up and ask you if you slept well last night
You are not expected
to tell them the truth.
You are supposed to
lie and tell them, “Of course, I did.
I slept wonderfully
well last night. And now everything is fine.”
They need never know
how broken you are,
Or how the night was truly spent.
Because as long as
they think you slept just as well as they did,
Everything is right
in their world. J